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Bases: EnvType

This class represents the Highway environment.

__init__(algo=Algo.DQN, algo_param={'policy': 'MlpPolicy', 'policy_kwargs': dict(net_arch=[256, 256]), 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'buffer_size': 15000, 'learning_starts': 200, 'batch_size': 32, 'gamma': 0.8, 'train_freq': 1, 'gradient_steps': 1, 'target_update_interval': 50, 'verbose': 0, 'tensorboard_log': 'model/highway_dqn/'}, prompt={'Goal': 'Control the ego vehicle to reach a high speed without collision.', 'Observation Space': 'features include:\n - presence: Indicates whether a vehicle is present (1 if present, 0 otherwise).\n - x: Longitudinal position of the vehicle.\n - y: Lateral position of the vehicle.\n - vx: Longitudinal velocity of the vehicle.\n - vy: Lateral velocity of the vehicle.\nEvery vehicle has a line in the matrix. Number are normalized.\nObservation looks like this for 4 vehicles with the ego vehicle.\nObservation:\n[[ 1. 0.8738351 0.33333334 0.3125 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.11421007 0.33333334 -0.04992021 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.24808374 0. -0.02311555 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.35202843 0.33333334 -0.08297566 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.47324142 0.33333334 -0.03491976 0. ]]\nYou have multiple action such as :\nEach action is typically represented as an integer:\n0: Keep Lane\n1: Slow Down\n2: Speed Up\n3: Change Lane Left\n4: Change Lane Right\n'})

Initializes the Highway environment.


Name Type Description Default
algo Algo

The algorithm to use. Defaults to Algo.DQN.

algo_param dict

The algorithm parameters. Defaults to { "policy": "MlpPolicy", "policy_kwargs": dict(net_arch=[256, 256]), "learning_rate": 5e-4, "buffer_size": 15000, "learning_starts": 200, "batch_size": 32, "gamma": 0.8, "train_freq": 1, "gradient_steps": 1, "target_update_interval": 50, "verbose": 0, "tensorboard_log": "model/highway_dqn/",

{'policy': 'MlpPolicy', 'policy_kwargs': dict(net_arch=[256, 256]), 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'buffer_size': 15000, 'learning_starts': 200, 'batch_size': 32, 'gamma': 0.8, 'train_freq': 1, 'gradient_steps': 1, 'target_update_interval': 50, 'verbose': 0, 'tensorboard_log': 'model/highway_dqn/'}
prompt dict | str

The prompt to display. Defaults to { "Goal": "Control the ego vehicle to reach a high speed without collision.", [..]

{'Goal': 'Control the ego vehicle to reach a high speed without collision.', 'Observation Space': 'features include:\n - presence: Indicates whether a vehicle is present (1 if present, 0 otherwise).\n - x: Longitudinal position of the vehicle.\n - y: Lateral position of the vehicle.\n - vx: Longitudinal velocity of the vehicle.\n - vy: Lateral velocity of the vehicle.\nEvery vehicle has a line in the matrix. Number are normalized.\nObservation looks like this for 4 vehicles with the ego vehicle.\nObservation:\n[[ 1. 0.8738351 0.33333334 0.3125 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.11421007 0.33333334 -0.04992021 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.24808374 0. -0.02311555 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.35202843 0.33333334 -0.08297566 0. ]\n[ 1. 0.47324142 0.33333334 -0.03491976 0. ]]\nYou have multiple action such as :\nEach action is typically represented as an integer:\n0: Keep Lane\n1: Slow Down\n2: Speed Up\n3: Change Lane Left\n4: Change Lane Right\n'}


Représentation of the Highway environment.


Name Type Description

The representation of the Highway environment.


function to calculate the objective metric


Name Type Description Default
states list

The states.



Name Type Description
list list[dict[str, float]]

The objective metric.

success_func(env, info)

function to check if the simulation is successful or not


Name Type Description Default
env Env

The environment.

info dict

The info dictionary.
